上個月Daptone廠牌痛失招牌男聲Charles Bradley,加上去年冬季揮別人間的同門夥伴Sharon Jones,相信對喜愛復古靈魂樂的死忠歌迷打擊莫大。不過好消息來囉,Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings最終新輯將於11月17日發行,令人相當興奮與期待。
《Soul of a Woman》是Sharon Jones病逝前一年在各地巡迴演唱跟拍攝紀錄片《Miss Sharon Jones!》的空檔完成之作,預計收錄11首動靜皆宜、剛柔並濟的歌曲,完美捕捉她饒富生命力的永恆聲影。
1. Matter of Time
2. Sail On!
3. Just Give Me Your Time
4. Come and Be a Winner
5. Rumors
6. Pass Me By
7. Searching for a New Day
8. These Tears (No Longer for You)
9. When I Saw Your Face
10. Girl! (You Got to Forgive Him)
11. Call on God
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